Sabrina Carlins
Owen Roth
Travel & Hotel Information
This page contains all the information you need to plan your trip to Chicago. We have included information about the hotels, transportation, and things to do in the city. If you are based in Chicago, we recommend you check out these options as well!
Contact us
Guide to Chicago
We have put together a guide to Chicago to help you plan your trip. We have included some of our favorite restaurants, bars, and activities.
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Radisson Blu Hotel and the St. Regis Hotel. Both hotels are located in the heart of downtown Chicago, in the Lakeshore East community, and are within walking distance from each other.
Getting to the Venue
Transportation to the venue will be provided for all guests staying at the hotel options we have provided. Guests are more than welcome to find their own alternate transportaion.
Shuttle Bus Schedule
Shuttle buses will be provided for all guests that indicated they would like to use the shuttle bus service. The shuttle bus will run from the St. Regis Hotel to the wedding venue and back to the hotel at the end of the night.